Aurora Shoe Co.


Posts tagged "Gift Certificates"

Aurora Shoe Gift Card

Are you stressing about last minute Christmas gifts, or just looking for something to give someone special?  We've got you covered!  Our gift cards come to you as a coupon code and are perfect for giving.  You are able to customize the amount and your gift is sure to fit and flatter.  


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Holiday shopping can be so hard.  You want to get something useful, something memorable, or just something that your recipient does not already own.  So you think long and hard, you make plans, you finally make or purchase something and then, just 12 short months later, you're right back where you started.  At least that's how it all goes 'round in my brain...

If you've ever thought about...


Starting with Small Business Saturday, and running until the middle of December, we'll be sharing our favorite small, local, and handmade gift ideas.  We hope that this list inspires you to buy or make something that honors the gifts that you and your area can provide.

For those who have asked, our gift certificates are available all year round and are a great way to give the gift of shoes without...


In the weeks leading up to Christmas we'll be sharing gift guides focusing on small businesses and organizations that we feel good about supporting. We only recommend gifts and products that we would actually consider ourselves and hope that you find inspiration. Please feel free to add other ideas in the comments section - there are so many great businesses out there and we would love to know...