Aurora Shoe Co.


Posts tagged "Where we live and work"

While Dave and the rest of our staff are at the workshop cutting, stitching, and creating, my work (which hardly feels like work in comparison) usually takes place off site, wherever I can find a good comfy seat and an internet connection. 

The routine since September has been to drop my kids off (preschool and babysitter) at 9am and then choose a place to set up camp for the next few hours....


It's funny how when you're travelling and you tell someone that you're from New York they automatically assume that you mean New York City. Sure, there are A LOT of people in NYC, but there is also a lot of real estate north of the Tappan Zee Bridge. We're a full 5 hours north of the City and it would take another 5 hours to reach the Canadian border, so we're truly smack dab in the middle of New...


We're several weeks beyond what I would consider to have been the peak of fall color here in the Finger Lakes region.  A trip to the woods this weekend made it clear that there is still plenty of color to be found.  As always, the photos hardly capture the reality, but they're the only way I know how to share this natural beauty.

There were no apple trees in sight, but this sweet little poem came...


Welcome to my favorite fall hiking spot.  We come here every year to pick up pretty leaves for wax pressing.  This year we left the leaves, but came for acorns instead (did you know that you can eat them?)  These acorns aren't for eating, but for planting. It seems like a simple enough process, so we're going to give it a shot. Maybe in about 75 years there will be some big and shady oaks to show...